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How Graphic Design Can Make or Break Your Brand Value

A company without brand value is like a person without a soul. Brand value is the foundation of a company. And that’s why entrepreneurs must thoroughly shape their brand values to make their company unique. 

Get these four takeaways from this article:

  • What is brand value
  • Why businesses need brand values
  • Steps to discovering your brand core values
  • How graphic design impacts brand value


What is Brand Value? 

Any company should be centered on the things they believe in. Founders create legacies because they believe in certain core values that help their target audience. And this is what brand value is all about.

Brand core value goes beyond the products and services a company sells. It’s also more than the logos, icons, font, and graphics on your website and marketing campaigns. It’s more than just the superficial facade of the business. Core brand value encompasses what a business is all about, and it must be created on a deeper level. 

One must go into the company’s personality, principles, mission, vision, and language to create a meaningful brand value. Moreover, your brand value should reflect all those. 

Even if you strip a company of its assets, the brand core values will remain. It’s what a company’s target audience feels when the brand name comes up. Your brand value should guide the company and its people. It’s what shapes the organization’s behaviors, passion, and belief. 

Additionally, whipping up a meaningful brand core value allows companies to communicate and see eye to eye with their audience. In turn, your brand value is what gains affinity from your target market. 


Why Companies Need Brand Core Values

So why do companies bother to create brand values? And why isn’t an exceptional product or service enough?

Imagine a business that sells organic cosmetics products. For instance, if you believe natural ingredients are better because they’re environmentally-friendly, this has to radiate from your brand value. 

And when it does, your brand value can put your excellent products in the limelight even more. This is because your customers also believe in protecting the environment. When they can resonate with your core brand values, they remember your brand. In turn, they will choose your brand over your competitors. 

Additionally, building your brand value means instilling the passion, principles, and beliefs into your employees. This ensures that the entire organization is on the same page when it comes to the passion of which a brand is built. Ultimately, employees can be proud of the company and will be willing to grow along with the business. 

Remembering your brand core values and reminding employees about them will also keep them motivated and engaged. This will emanate a sense of belongingness. And most importantly, businesses with significant brand values can appeal to their target audience more. 

When a company believes in core brand values, it helps them with crucial decisions along the way. Everything a company does must be in-line with their brand values. Therefore, it makes it easier for decision-makers to align every decision with your brand’s mission. 

Last but not least, businesses that are built around strong brand core values gain a deeper connection with their audience.


How to Discover Your Brand Values

It can be easy to think about your core values. However, writing it down on paper is another story. Take note, though, that your brand core values are already existent. All you have to do is to discover them so you can use those attributes across your channels. 

Here is a step-by-step guide on how you can clearly define your brand core value:


1. Reflect on the things you believe in

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As a company, your products and services are reflective of the values you believe in. For example, if a restaurant believes in animal protection, they serve vegan or vegetarian food. If you believe in fostering customer relationships, you create ways to strengthen the bond with your customers. 

Overall, reflect on the things that your company is already doing and saying. From there, write down at least three core beliefs and pick which one has the most priority. Sit down with the entire team and brainstorm. Ask yourself what your company stands for and what you value the most.


2. Talk to your customers

woman with shopping bags

Next is to ask your customers. One way to discover your brand core value is to ask how your customers feel when they think of your brand. You can do this through surveys, interviews, or online engagement.

It doesn’t get as genuine and precise than this. When your customers feel a certain way towards your brand, grab that opportunity, and ask them. Let them think of three adjectives that best describe how they feel when they see your logo or hear your brand name.


3. List brands for inspiration


Think of other brands that you look up to for inspiration. Jot them down and carefully research each company’s brand value. However, never copy someone else’s brand core value. Your company must have distinct core values that separate you from the competition. 


4. Walk the talk

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After you’ve defined your brand core values, it’s time to walk the talk. Doing things differently from what you’re preaching can turn your customers off. That said, ensure that you practice what you preach. Stay consistent, and you’d be surprised how it will attract more of your audiences. 


How Graphic Design Impacts Brand Value

Staying consistent with your core values means you’re communicating them through various channels. Whether you’re posting on social media or creating your next billboard, your brand value should be of the essence. 

This is where graphic design can make or break your brand core value. Here are the ways graphic design can make your brand value more meaningful:

  • Communicates brand value clearly. Using graphic design to show off your brand core value is easier than just plain text. Ensure that you create graphics that are reflective of the things you believe in. 
  • Brings emotional appeal. Graphic design can evoke certain emotions to your audiences. By creating compelling graphics, it delivers your brand core value effectively and emotionally. 
  • Wins more customers. When you compliment your brand tone with eye-catching graphics, you attract more customers. This is because people are naturally visual creatures. We enjoy looking at aesthetic designs more than just text alone. 



Brand value should be a priority for every business. Without it, your business won’t have a distinctive characteristic. That said, take time to discover, define, and apply your brand core values to everything your company does.

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