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New and Updated: Landing Page Best Practices of 2020

If you’ve ever downloaded a free eBook, signed up for a newsletter, or purchased a product or service online all because you clicked a link and like what you saw, then you probably already know the power of an effective landing page. Without a doubt, landing page best practices are a cornerstone of marketing in the digital age. In fact, stats tell us that businesses earn 55 percent more leads when they increase the number of landing pages the use from 10 to 15. But what goes into creating a landing page that converts? And just as important, what design trends should you employ to make it fresh, relevant, and make the viewer want to opt-in? Read on to find out. 


The Basics of a Landing Page

But first, a quick review. If you find yourself secretly asking, “what is a landing page?” don’t fret. Compared to classic marketing concepts, this tool had only seen the light of day in 2003, when Microsoft needed to remedy their poor Office sales.

Nowadays, almost every business with a solid digital marketing plan uses landing pages. Though there are no set landing page templates you need to follow, the best examples often combine the following elements:


Main Headline

This is the primary title of the landing page. And just like a typography ad copy or any other headline for that matter, it should be short and punchy. It could be your main brand tagline or a headline you composed especially for the landing page.


Unique Selling Proposition (USP)

This is where you tell your audience about what makes your business different from the others. Whether you’re offering the most affordable shipping service or the only personal pet store shopping service, flaunt it on your landing page. 



Describe the benefits of opting-in. What will your audience get if they choose to register, sign-up, or purchase? Spell out the advantages and make it hard for your audience to resist your offer.


Call to Action (CTA)

This usually comes in the form of a button. For instance, “Sign up” or “Get started” may seem like no-brainer CTAs. But it also pays to do A/B testing to see which CTA works best to attract your audience.


10 Landing Page Best Practices of 2020

Here are some landing page best practices to attract leads this 2020.


1. Emphasize the Service

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This landing page for The New York Times emphasizes its service by making the app the focus of the design. The design used a simple but fresh palette of melon and apricot to draw the eyes to the mobile screen. These light colors made the dark gray text and CTA button stand out.


2. Light Text Over Dark Hues

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The background of this web graphics for SEMrush shows a photo of a woman colorized in dark hues. As a result, the design draws the eyes to the white text, encouraging the viewer to absorb the message. The color contrast doesn’t make the image look noisy despite the overlap between the photo and the next.


3. Welcome Them In

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This web design for Sallys Baking Addiction shows one of the PPC landing page best practices you’d want to keep in mind. The photo used makes you feel like you’re hanging out in Sally’s kitchen, chatting about making. The copy and the design do a great job of welcoming you, and you’d almost want to reach out for a cookie.


4. Simple Layout for Videos

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Most ventures using landing page optimization tool software opt to use videos. After all, stats tell us that videos on landing pages can help improve conversions by 86 percent. If you’re using videos, however, make sure to keep your layout and design elements clean and simple. This design for MasterClass is a great example of this trend.


5. Paint a Picture

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This design for Lyft displays one of the best landing page templates that tell a story to sell a service. Looking at it, wouldn’t you want to go on a fun food trip with the gang? The busy photo is toned down with a gray filter, thus allowing the text to enjoy the spotlight.


6. Use Contrast

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Applying the basics of color theory is a part not just of landing page best practices but also of web design in general. This design for Kitopi uses contrasting colors of teal and gold to create a landing page that jumps out at you.


7. Highlight What’s Popular

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Whether it’s a best-selling service or a special product unique to your brand, highlight it on your landing page. This design for hayu shows a poster of The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills, which is one of their most popular programs.


8. Keep it Light

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This landing page for edX shows that a mere grasp of graphic design basics is all it takes to create a beautiful design that gets attention. The light color palette and simple layout make this design look fresh and straightforward.


9. Visualize Your Offer

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One technique you can do is to use the landing page to show your audience what they’ll get when they opt-in. This design for Classy Yet Trendy shows an array of classic pieces of apparel you’ll know how to pick if you subscribe to their capsule wardrobe eBook.


10. Use the Colors of the Season

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Just like in advertising design, it’s a great idea to use the colors of the season to make your landing page look relevant and up-to-the-minute. This design for Audible perfectly reflects summer with its lemon background complemented by an orange CTA button.


Generate Leads, Increase Sales

Applying landing page best practices will indeed make your visual asset more interesting and contribute a lot as you grow our business. 

However, it’s crucial to note that merely copying the best converting landing pages won’t do you any good. Instead, take inspiration from them and marry the concept with your unique brand personality. Then, get reliable graphic design services to translate your ideas into landing pages that will allow you to land more deals. 

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